End of week

 This week I did a mix of working from home and working at school. My favorite place on campus to work was the art studio with my friends. Over the week I worked on my paper and work cited. At the beginning of the week, I started off writing about micro tubulin and the impact they have on axon function. I also then wrote about what an action potential is here is a paragraph from my paper explaining it. “The resting potential of a neuron is around -70 Mv which is measured in membrane potential (this is the relative charge of the inside of the cell to the outside) the threshold for an action potential to trigger in -50 mv. This membrane potential change is caused by ions coming from other neurons into the cell body then causing the inside of the axon to become more positively charged than the outside (whereas at resting it is more negative inside).  This change in membrane potential causes a voltage-gated sodium channel to open allowing sodium ions to flood into the cell causing a greater change in membrane potential since these sodium ions are positive. As the membrane potential continues to increase to positive mv the sodium channel becomes inactive stopping the flow of sodium ions into the cell. This change in membrane potential also opens the potassium voltage-gated channel allowing positive potassium ions to flow out of the cell re-polarizing the cell. This continues to happen until the membrane potential in the cell reaches lower than resting potential; this is when the potassium channels close.  While this is all happening sodium-potassium pumps are moving three sodium ions from inside the cell to outside the cell and two potassium ions from outside the cell to inside. This process of moving ions in and out restores the membrane potential to its resting potential.” This paragraph was the most difficult to write. At the end of the week, I turned the paper in along with my work cited. I ended up having around 20 citations and the paper was 8 pages long. On Saturday I started to work on my presentation that I am doing Tuesday to the neuroscience class and Thursday to AP bio. So overall my week was very productive.


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